Monday, May 24, 2010

Hi All
I have been nursing a sick little girl on and off for the past couple of weeks. I have been lisiting heaps of stuff on ebay and etsy to make money and space for my big surprise. The peas are coming along nicely in the garden but I havent finished hoeing out my main veggie bed yet. Rome wasnt built in a day. On Saturday we spent the day at the park at a massive annual event called lifefest and on Sunday we had a long lunch.
Dont forget to check out my etsy store
and my ebay listings
Have a great day

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hey Everyone

Well its heads down bums up again here today
I am frantically listing things on ebay
And will have more in my etsy shop soon too

On ebay Im mandies_crafts
And on etsy Im TimeAfterTea

So check it all and show me some support

Cant wait to tell you all why I really need the space and the money

Have a great day

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ebay Listings

Hi Everyone
I am getting serious about clearing out the house for some space, and saving up some cash. Youll never guess what for. So help me out and pop over to ebay and check out my listing. My user name is mandies_crafts. Even if you dont want to buy Id love you to have a bid to get me some higher prices :)))
Heres a link to one of my items youll all love

let me know if it doesnt work

Hope youre having a fantastic day



Hi Everyone
I have got a bunch more items listed in my etsy store today while Amelia is at preschool. And I still have sooo much more to photograph and upload. If you would like to see it all please start buying. As you can see I only have a few followers so I would love you to plug me on your blog or maybe even do a min feature. Id hate to spend all this time and fees and not sell it all!
I got my package from Janels craft swap too. ALREADY. Love it. So many fantastic ideas. If only all those lovely ladies had joined my blog too!
Heres hoping.
So pop over and check it out for me, Im counting on you guys

Have a great day


Do you want to be number one

Hi All
I have opened my ETSY store.
Do you want to be my first customer.
I sure hope so.
I have a few listings up and will be adding some more tomorrow.
I have so many beautiful things to sell, left from my market stall days.
So please check out TimeAfterTea on etsy, click the link on my blog!
And PAHLEASE tell all your friends

Thanks heaps


Monday, May 17, 2010

Trying to stay warm

Mothers Day 2010
The owl pincushion I made for My Mum

A dustbin pizza. Thats my shoe!!

Meelie enjoying her hot choc after crafty activities at Bunning for mother day.

Meelie and her Nanna Rain.

Hi Everyoneouve probably been wondering what happened to me. Well as the weather cooled down I was spending my days in the garden to stay warm. Nice and sunny out, freezing cold inside. I havent finished with my main veggie patch yet but I have some peas and chard and bok choy and turnips coming along. And a couple of compost heaps.

Heres a few piccies for you to enjoy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Checking In

Hi Everyone
Ive been a little quiet lately as I complete a colon cleanse, the ultimate detox. And as I havent eaten for 9 days Ive been a little tired and distracted. I finish up tomorrow and recommence food consumption on Thursday. I would love you to comment below and let me know what youve been up to lately thats taken some will power.
Have a great day

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Butterflies, Lady Bugs and Bubbles

Hi Everyone, not much going on this week. I am on a no solid food cleanse and as such not feeling so great. But stopping the jobs that are forever constant and hanging out with Amelia has been fabbo. Weve been blowing bubbles (that are chocolate scented just to tease me)
Catching a gizzillion lady bugs from a flower garden a couple blocks away when we walk Paris our Golden Labrador in the mornings, and

singing a verse of Hannah Montanas Caterpillar song to hail the butterflies and then scoop then into a net, followed by the bug catcher. I caught 4 yesterday but one got away when I tried to put it in the catcher because there were about 10 lady bugs breaking out cos the lid was off!!
What did you do to play today?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Perfecting My Woman Cave

Hi Everyone
Ive been a busy little beaver this morning. I am lucky enough to have a studio (sewing room) which you have seen pictures of previously. Completely overstuffed and out of control. I also have a second room, my office/study. I have my computer and books and all my papercrafts and stuff in there. Its also the room anything that piles up or needs sorting including all the mail gets dumped in. Well this morning I attcked it. Its the only room that has been painted since we moved in, dark pink bottom, light pink top and wood rail round the middle. I have 2 bookcases, a cupboard, table full length mirror, and all the toys bought on sale ready for birthdays and Christmas gifts. Theres also two other tables at the door and a filing cabinet and today I tackled them. I threw out a printer and photo printer and a box of paperwork. Then I tided all my stationary and supplies that were resaonably organised into a tower of 4 pretty pink boxes on the table space I made. I also unwrapped my new pink butterfly bin and put that on top of the filing cabinet with the router and my mini tupperware key ring chain collection. And now after three hours of nagging I am off to watch a movie with Amelia and make some more envelopes, and maybe redo a crochet headband that turned out all wrong on Saturday.
Heres to learning....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mini feature

To get to know a little more about me and few other lovely crafty ladies in blog land pop over to and check out her mini feature about some of her readers.

And if youre visiting my blog after reading her feature please pop a comment below to say hi and introduce yourself and feel free to join as a follower.


Have a great day

Movie Marathon

I hired and watched 3 overnight rentals all in one day. Something I have never done before. Truth be told I listened more than watching because I am still learning to crochet.

I saw

The ghosts of girlfriends past with Matthew McConaghuey

The Time Travellers Wife and
The Invention of Lying

The first one was ok but not something I would watch over and over. The second was a slow start and sad ending but fantastic concept and the third was a good idea but I didnt think it was well done, even a little on the boring side. But then maybe I was just over watching tele at that point.
What have you done lately that you've never done before?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One giveaway leads to another
Pop over to Biancas blog if you love snail mail and want a chance to win a pack of postcards


To score a fantastic package of goodies to brighten your day pop over to megans blog and enter her giveaway.

Lady Bugs and Lingerie Bags

Amelia and I had a great day today. We walked the dog twice today and collected a half a dozen yellow and black lady beetles each time, which tickled the inside of Amelias hands all the way home. And I made a half a dozen white tricot lingerie bags. Yay. And a little work on some pincushions that need finishing, and still do!!! Its miserable cool and dreary weather but some of my pea seeds are shooting :))
Hope you had a great day

Monday, April 5, 2010

The wedding gift

And then it turned into my brothers engagement party :)
Luke with my gift

Rachel with my gift

Opening the gift

A sneek peek at the gift
We drove on friday and all had dinner at a pub on friday night. Shopping and then the wedding on Saturday. Brunch, opening wedding gifts, easter and then Andrew and Nicoles engagement party before we all headed home on Sunday :))

Even more wedding and Easter Pics

Its me :)
The beautiful bride

The amazinf cake topper

Uncle Pauly Pansy

The cake

Some more wedding pics

Keeping busy during teh reception blowing bubbles
Keeping the sun off, and then the rain...

Playing with the table centres

Just Married

The gorgeous bridal party girls

Wedding Trip Over Easter

Sitting under umbrellas for the reception
Signing the register

The shoes, it was all about the shoes

Mummy and Meelie front row seats :)

A cheeky girl the night before the wedding after a long drive in the car

Heres a sneek peek into our trip to Sydney for my cousins wedding in the blue mountains and a couple pics of the gift i made youve all been waiting for. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sideways Blogging

I wanted to share with you some of my favourite things from my bedroom. My pics are still sideways but your neck probably needed a good stretch anways. Can you tell what they all are?

Happy Easter Everyone.
Talk to you after the weekend.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another Giveaway

hi all
pop on over to for a fantastically cute giveaway. kristen has reached 25 followers and is celebrating.
have a great day

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A sneek Peek

Here is a sneek peek of the 3D interactive felt owl tree wall hanging Ive been working on for AMelia
Here is Amelia with the baby frog she caught at Nannas house and brought home. When she let it go in the garden she dunked it into and empty pot that was full of water (empty of dirt and plant) Low and behold when I came inside with the bucket the water shed scooped in from the pot was full of tadpoles, craazzziiiiieee...

Dress up time - heres Barbie on her snow mobile

An I do Up Do and a shirt gathered into a flower brooch

A brooch and ballerina skirt
Hope you enjoyed a sneek peek into what weve been up to lately
Have a great day

10 favourite things

Hi all
Pop over to and check out Janels fabbo giveaway to celebrate reaching a massive 500 followers.

Hello Craft Swap Friends

Hi to all of you who are stopping bye because you too are part of Janels spring craft swap.

I have recently started blogging and joined the swap just to meet you. I am and have always been crafty I will try my hand at anything. I did two years of fashion design at college after highschool where I did two and three unit textiles and design.

I have been suffering poor health, namely chronic fatigue syndrome for years so its great to be able to reach out and meet new friends and crafty ladies even when Im too tired to go out. :) Please join as a follower of my blog and please post a note below to say hello. I would love to meet you and would pleased to make some new penpals.

Craftiness here in Australia tends to be a dying art with fabric and notion prices soaring and the whole persona that grandmas knit and crochet is still alive and well. You are all so talented and inspirational and I hope you will find me the same. I look forward to getting to know you all.

I am mother to Amelia who is nearly four and love so many things.
I will try anything crafty although Im not so great at scrapbooking, I love to cook and garden, Im a movieaholic, I love box games, butteflies, roses, dolphins, most music, dancing and most of all hugging meelie. :)

Have a great day
Im looking forward to hearing from you


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Craft Swap Day

Amelia modelling the pink mohair headband I crocheted for her.

Amelia is such a great help. We have been making craft swap secret goodies all day. She helped witht the stuffing and button selection and aside from the few for me and her and nanna and sewing in all the ends theyre all done


I thought it would take me all month.

So tomorrow its back to packing for the wedding and sorting out some tedious nonsense over the phone and in town.

And Wednesday is the last preschool day for the term, we nearly made a whole term without a sick day. But she didnt go on Friday.

I am steadily washing my way through all the georgous clothes Mum and I picked at Vinnies on Friday, a whopping 5 dresses for Amelia in various bigger sizes. Hooray.

Have a great day.

Meeting the Easter Bunnings, oops bunny

On Thursday night Amleia and I were at the Bunnings Easter night painting and hunting eggs and eating pizza and got cross buns and eggs and lemon fizzy. And of course she had some slide time too. And then puked at 10pm. But she got to meet the bunny so heres some pics for you.

Friday, March 26, 2010

One Buck Bargain

SO here is my best thrifting find so far this year. A pink and purple singer sewing machine. A sewing machine for Amelia. YAY. Threes not too young to start is it??? She loves it. I got some batteries and the light works and the needles goes. It does put the thread into the paper but the whole bobbin thing isnt a happening thing, or existant so it all just pulls out again.
She even took it to bed with her the first night, and when shes in a creative mood she uses the foot pedal as a phone, haha when youre three everything can become a phone to call Nanna or an imaginery friend.
Have a great day