Friday, March 26, 2010


Theres a craft monster eating my house, help its alive. Its taken over. For those of you looking for storage solutions for your craftiness well look no more. Theres no solution for this mess. The above photo is behind my studio door. I spent amelias first day of preschool, all 6 hours hanging 6 pinboards. Yes I have taught myself not only how to use a drill but I got the bug. Theres at least 40 holes in my house that werent there two months ago. HAHA

This is looking across my studio from the door (and 3 of ym five machines arent even in there at the moment) Thats right 5. AN overlocker, my original work horse, the one I won I use to make my signature shawls, my embroidery machine and one i got in 2008 with more bells and whistles inclucing walking foot and BSR, now i fonly i learnt how to use them.

Its eaten y dining table too. And this photo was after I cleared it to get to the machine to finsih the wedding gift.

Uh huh, its taken over the lounge room too

This is looking in my studio from the door to the right. I climbed on the chair and into a removalists box of fabric yesterday. Yes I stood in the box. Double bunger good news. I found the piece of fabric I wanted for the craft swap and I have no broken limbs.

Am i cracking you up. I hope so cos the clutter drives me crazy but what can i say im a passionate women and passion leads to shopping, or is that just another passion. Anyways craft stuff is 50 to 75% dearer in oz than the usa so whens its on sale it comes to my house, and it didnt help none that from my last year of school all through my fashion design course and beyond (til i got sick) that i worked in ozs biggest fabric chain store and so i got first dibs on all the bargains :)


  1. wowza!!! all that is craft stuff??? I need to go shopping at your house!

  2. I know, I'm sitting here imagining the possibilities!

  3. I could employ a full time staff of 10 to create all my design ideas.....
